Rogers - TOY - Grades 3-5

Mrs. Rogers is an experienced teacher who has been teaching for 14 years. She currently teaches 8th-grade science and is passionate about her subject. Her dedication and enthusiasm for teaching are evident in how she interacts with her students, and she always strives to create a positive and engaging learning environment.

One of Mrs. Rogers' fondest memories as a teacher occurred last year when she and a group of 8th-grade students volunteered at Second Harvest Food Bank. While working in the freezer section, she says she cannot remember being so cold; however, seeing her students' hard work and generosity warmed her soul. It was a humbling experience that made her appreciate the importance of giving back to the community.

Mrs. Rogers enjoys working with her students daily because she sees how completely different students with different personalities utilize their unique strengths to succeed. She believes every student has something special to offer and always encourages them to discover their strengths and follow their passions.

Mrs. Rogers is a teacher, mentor, and guide to her students. She is always approachable and available to help her students with questions or concerns. Her dedication to her students and subject is genuinely inspiring, and her students are lucky to have her as their teacher.