School Profile, Mission, and Vision


Briarwood School will cultivate students who maintain a

Positive Attitude,

Act responsibly, and

Work together with a

Supportive Staff to be prepared for the next steps in learning.


Briarwood School will provide a safe, positive learning environment with:

Teachers who will:

·      Make meaningful relationships with students and staff

·      Prepare fun, engaging lessons based on Tennessee state standards

·      Make data-driven decisions to differentiate learning that help create life-long learners

 Students who will:

·      Take ownership of their behavior, learning, and attendance

·      Work cooperatively with their teachers and peers

·      Be kind to themselves and others

 Families and a community that will:

·      Communicate with us as partners

·      Support school initiatives and activities

·      Support School Success


169 Briarwood Avenue

Camden, TN 38320


Principal: Chad Wyatt

Asst. Principal: Amanda Medlin

Telephone Numbers

T: 731-584-4257

F: 731-584-2985